unser Revoluzzer Gartenhaus
Enjoy our wines at our REVOLUZZER Summerhouse
Our REVOLUZZER tells the story of the democrat and freedom fighter Adam von Itzstein. In his garden house, 200 years ago, he prepared the first National Assembly of 1848 with the Hallgarten Circle. Today you can enjoy our wines at this historic location in the middle of the Hallgarten vineyards.
Opening hours
Weiter geht es mit unserem Ausschank am REVOLUZZER Gartenhaus am 31. August 2024 für drei Wochenenden: Jeweils Samstag ab 15:00 Uhr und Sonntag ab 13:00 Uhr. Reservierungen nehmen wir gerne entgegen.
Wenn das Wetter es zulässt, können wir von Ende April bis Ende September gerne für Gruppen ab 10 Personen eine winetasting at the REVOLUZZER summer house! Simply call us on 06723/9986900 to arrange an appointment!
How to find us
100 m from Hallgartener Platz 1 in Oestrich-Winkel, Hallgarten district.
Drive from the B42 in the direction of Hallgarten, turn left in the direction of the cemetery at the entrance to the town, drive past the cemetery on the right uphill and then take the first left again. From here it is still 100m.
By public transport to Hattenheim station and then bus 181 to Hallgarten, Eberbacher Straße.